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“Maps in History: Urban Transformation of Ahmedabad”

AHMEDABAD; May 10, 2024: An exhibition – ‘Maps in History: Urban Transformation of Ahmedabad’ – of key archival maps published over the last 150 years to trace Ahmedabad’s urban history is open for all from 10 am to 8 pm at CEPT University. The records include survey maps, Khatpatras, property records, plans for municipal services, implemented development schemes and newspaper articles. The exhibition traces Ahmedabad’s urban history through key maps published over the last 150 years. These included the 1881 first city survey that contained detailed ownership data, survey numbers, pol boundaries, social and religious infrastructure compiled in the General Index. The earliest records of properties called the “Khat patras”, village maps, census survey maps, early Town Planning schemes, and the City Wall Development Scheme are on display. Most of these maps and records were sourced from various archives nationwide and abroad. Organized under the aegis of the Center for Research on Architecture and Urbanism (CAU), CRDF, and CEPT University, the exhibition is supported by the Ahmedabad Urban Development Authority (AUDA).

About CEPT University
CEPT University focuses on understanding, designing, planning, constructing, and managing human habitats. Its teaching programs aim to build thoughtful professionals and its research programs deepen understanding of human settlements.  CEPT University also undertakes advisory projects to further the goal of making habitats more livable. Through its education, research and advisory activities, the University strives to improve the impact of habitat professions in enriching the lives of people in India’s villages, towns and cities. The University comprises six faculties: viz. the Faculty of Architecture, the Faculty of Planning, the Faculty of Technology, the Faculty of Design, the Faculty of Management and the CEPT Foundation Program. In December 2023, CEPT University has been recognized by the Government of India as a Centre of Excellence in Urban Planning and Design. This comes with an endowment of Rs. 250 Crore to be used towards the research and training on India specific knowledge in Urban Planning and Design over the next 25 years.
CEPT University was established by the CEPT University Act of 2005 enacted by the government of Gujarat. It was originally started in 1962 as the School of Architecture supported by the Ahmedabad Education Society. The Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) of the Government of India recognizes the University as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO). CEPT University is recognized as a Center of Excellence by the Government of Gujarat. CEPT University has many ongoing collaborations and exchange programs with top ranked universities across the world.

About CEPT Research and Development Foundation (CRDF)
CEPT Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) is the research and advisory arm of CEPT University. CEPT University has created a vibrant environment of interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation focused on issues concerning human habitats. Through CRDF, University engages actively in research projects, advisory assignments and capacity building initiatives aimed at solving critical problems in the built environment and improving people’s quality of life in towns and cities. Through these research and consulting pursuits, our faculty members make available their academic knowledge and professional expertise to external stakeholders including the government, public sector organisations, NGOs, communities, and businesses.