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Mumbai, July 25, Western Railway Sports Association (WRSA) hosted the 64th All India Railway Aquatic Championship 2024 at Mahalaxmi Sports Complex, Mumbai. The Diving Team of Western Railway won the first position, while WR’s Swimming and Water Polo teams won the first runner-up
According to a press release issued by Vineet Abhishek, Chief Public Relations Officer of Western Railway, around 200 athletes from across 12 Zonal Railways/Units participated in this championship. The participants contested in 20 Swimming events including relay races, 3 Diving events and Water Polo matches. WR’s Diving Team secured the first position, while the men’s Swimming Team and Water Polo Team won the runners-up at the championship. WR Swimmer Shri Devansh Parmar secured highest points in Individual swimming events and won 4 Gold and 1 Silver medals in various events.
Shri Vineet stated that the Championship was held under the supervision of 55 officials from Railway Sports Promotion Board (RSPB). The 64th All India Railway Aquatic Championship 2024 was hosted & organized by Western Railway Sports Association from 19th to 23rd July, 2024. WR’s talented sportspersons have achieved new milestones and brought laurels for the organization. Western Railway is proud of its sportspersons and wishes them success in their upcoming events & tournaments.
Ashok Kumar Misra, General Manager of Western Railway & Patron of WRSA was the Chief Guest and graced the prize distribution & closing ceremony which was held on 23rd July.